Ok...I promise...ONE of these nights I will be home long enough to get the tutorials up. Until then ... ... ...
I came into work this morning and found an email from a Crafty Aunt of mine with a link to a blog. SOME of these have had really cute, great ideas. Others, not so much. At least this way I know she is thinking about me right? Well I love the idea in this mornings email and thought I'd share it with you.
My "craft area" is currently NOT big enough to have things like my markers just sitting out but I love this idea and at some point I hope I can have the space to have my markers out and this accessible. For now I'll continue to take my markers out of the plastic sleeves they come in, put them in a spare Clear Mount case, cut the original case up and put the collection indicating pieces in the cover of the new case. Here is the link to the original blog that was emailed to me. (Can Marker Holder) This cute holder could be used for many things I imagine. Can't wait to hear where your imagination takes you with this project! Have a GREAT weekend everyone! I'll be spending it mostly at home so here's hoping that by Monday I have some tutorials to put up for ya'! Stay warm!